Monday, July 8, 2013

Petition to make IHope Day an Official National and International Day of Awareness for IH

On July 1st, I went to the website and started an online petition to have IHope Day officially recognized as a national and international IH awareness day.  It was a whole new experience, and took me a while to figure out that I had to add the email addresses of the people to whom I want the letters from the petition sent (every time someone signs the petition, the online letter is emailed to the person being petitioned).  I'm still learning the process of updating and promoting.  Slowly but steadily, we're gaining a bit of momentum.

To see the petition, click HERE.  If you feel moved to sign it, please do.  We would be immensely grateful.  If you would like to leave a comment on the petition saying why you feel an IH awareness day is important, that would be fantastic, too.

There are some very moving comments on the petition page.  I'll share a few in coming posts.

~ Pia

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